Live Stream of WDSF Stuttgart Impacted By Storm In Germany
Live Stream of WDSF Stuttgart Impacted By Storm In Germany
Weather is impacting the live stream of today's Standard Grand Prix in Stuttgart.

We had everything lined up to officially launch our collaboration with FloSports after a press release had been circulated earlier today. We were more than ready for the live webcast of the decisive stages of the 2018 PD Super GrandPrix Standard Stuttgart, the first falling under the terms of an agreement that had only been signed a few hours ago.
That is when Mr "Herr" Murphy struck. After a long spell of hot and dry weather in the southern part of Germany, heavy thunderstorms hit the area from Frankfurt to Munich and played havoc with air traffic, communications and just about everything else.
The German Open Championships are also affected by the breakdown of some of the services provided by communications giant Deutsche Telekom. The Liederhalle complex and virtually the entire city of Stuttgart is without access to the internet at this moment. Impossible to transmit a quality stream to FloDance.
We kindly ask you to stand by until services are restored. When that will be we don't know, but we guarantee you that you will not miss a second of the 2018 PD Super GrandPrix Standard Stuttgart. Our crew is recording everything from quarterfinal to final. The second the services are restored, we're ready to play out.