World Cup | Upward Mobility & A Touch of Hollywood
World Cup | Upward Mobility & A Touch of Hollywood
World Cup and the WDSF-brand DanceSport

While the “World Cup” is the premier global event in soccer and rugby, in WDSF-brand DanceSport it is second-tier – explicitly so. The National Member Bodies send their strongest couples to the annual world championship, where up to two per nation may be entered! But there is hardly a country that does not count on a highly ambitious third couple challenging the hierarchy and waiting for a break.
That is precisely where the WDSF World Cup comes in: future contenders for the highest places in the world championships get their first breaks right here. The up-and-coming stars of tomorrow seek to have their names resound even more, the GrandSlam finalists prepare their final assault on the podium, and every dancer on the floor is also on his or her way up in the world rankings … Because this competition – probably more than any other – allows for such upward mobility.

Look at the unofficial starting lists for Chengdu, CHN, and you will have to concur: even without the world number one, two or three present, these World Cups will be danced at the highest level. The battles for the coveted places in the semi-final and final will be fierce and unpredictable in Standard as well as Latin.
Add to the suspense the particular draw of the location! The capital of Sichuan province in southwestern China is a perennial host to World Championships. A total of nine have been held over the last three years alone. All of them memorable, with the organisers adding their touch of local color. During the opening ceremony staged on the banks of Jin River, the participating dancers are presented to the media and the public as they stroll on a red carpet. A “Walk of Fame” in a setting that is reminiscent of Oscar night in Hollywood – in front of the Chinese Theater!